企画論文門 セッション企画テーマおよび概要
企画テーマ 企画テーマ(英訳) |
子育てバリアフリー Barrier-free and Accessible Cities for Children and Parents |
企画概要 |
少子高齢社会に直面している我が国において,子育て中の親の社会参加を支援し,少子化に歯止めをかけるためにも,妊婦,乳幼児・児童を持つ子育て中の親および子供が,安全・安心・快適に外出活動に参加できる環境を整備することの重要性が増している.本セッションは,乳幼児・児童を持つ子育て中の親および子供が,外出活動を含めた日常生活活動を行う上で直面するバリアに着目し,そのバリアを緩和し社会参加を支援するために有効な交通政策を含めた子育てバリアフリー施策を,都市・交通・福祉等幅広い視点から総合的に議論する場としたい. |
企画概要(英訳) |
In an aging society with fewer children, promoting an environment
that allows children, pregnant women, and parents of babies and young
children to participate in out-of-home activities safely, securely and in
comfort, and as a measure to solve the low birthrate issue, is growing more
important. This session will focus on barriers encountered by children and
parents with infants and small children when conducting daily activities
including out-of-home activities. Further, we hope that this session will be
an opportunity for comprehensive discussion from a variety of perspectives,
such as city planning, transportation, and public welfare, on barrier-free
policies for child-raising which include effective transport policies for the
support of a participatory society through the easing of such barriers. |