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オーガナイザ |
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Bayesian statistics
Bayesian statistics has become more popular approach in various fields such as behavior analysis, epidemiology, spatial statistics, marketing science and time-series analysis, especially in these ten years. There are not a few controversies between inferential statistics and Bayesian statistics, but it is expected that development of computational statistics promotes Bayesian statistics applications in civil engineering. In this session, both basic and application researches are expected to be reported, such as modeling method considering personal and spatial heterogeneity, parameter estimation and model choice via MCMC in the fields of travel behavior analysis, spatial econometrics, data presumption and project evaluation.
○古谷知之(慶應義塾大学) |
速報的・萌芽的 |
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Needs and seeds of people flow in urban space
In late years, we have some increasing needs to overlook the flow of people changing dynamically in urban space in the fields of traffic / disaster prevention / sightseeing / the marketing. However, from the viewpoint of the researcher, there may be simple doubt why they can acquire data with more low cost or swiftness if they utilize new technology, or they should have more some effective uses. Therefore, in this plan, I want to have an opportunity to discuss freely about ""the flow of the person"" from various viewpoints like an administrator, a university researcher, a private engineer, and want to analyze needs and seeds and share current problem recognition.
I assume some topics for example 1) reconstruction example of the flow of people in the whole city / town / facility level, 2) effective data acquisition / modeling / handling technique of the position, 3) international trend, standardization, and public and private cooperation.
○関本義秀(東京大学) |
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Time Use and Citizens' Lives
Citizens’ lives include labor, residence, trip-making, childcare and nursing care, education, shopping, recreational and leisure activities, social activities, and tourism and so on. These life aspects are decided at either short-term or long-term time scale, performed at various locations, and change in a certain aspect will lead to the change in the other aspects. In this sense, there are close relationships between the various aspects. Therefore, it is required to look at citizens’ lives methodologically from the interdisciplinary perspective. From the policy-making perspective, the cross-sector approach should be strongly recommended in order to improve the quality of life and to realize the environmentally friendly urban life style, etc. This session calls for papers/reports related to activity-travel behavior analysis especially based on time use data as well as those about the cross-sector policies for supporting citizens’ lives.
○桑野将司(広島大学) 張峻屹(広島大学) |
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モビリティ・マネジメント(MM)は、近年実践事例が急速に増加しています。この中で、健康に着目したり,買い物、ひっこし、まちづくり、防災、駐輪問題といった様々な問題に援用可能です。また,MM効果を単に実証・報告するだけでなく,態度・行動変容プロセスの理解・解明,MM施策の予測・評価技術や新しいコミュニケーション技術の開発など,MMをより発展させるための「研究」を進展させることも重要な課題となっています.ついては 本セッションでは、従来のMMの諸技術の洗練や、その心的プロセス解明,MM技法の新たな応用研究など、MMの“研究”の新展開に向けた議論を期待します。
State of the arts on Mobility Management
Mobility management is a comprehensive transportation management measure with a central focus on communication due to ease various transport problems. In Japan, MM was implemented as a transport measure which focused on changes on travel mode from car use into other sustainable modes. However, the tecniques in MM could be applied for other issues such as public health, shopping, moving, community development, disaster prevention, and bicycle parking. In addition, the research for new application, understanding psychological process and for new practical intervention are now called for. In this session, we would like to discuss state of the art on MM.
○藤井聡(京都大学) 谷口綾子(筑波大学) |
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Silence and Transportation Planning
Continued from last year, this session deals with various types of “silence” related to transportation planning. We propose three view points. The first is the non-response in social surveys. The decline of response rates in Person Trip surveys has been a serious issue. From the view point of “silent respondent”, we would like to discuss a future direction of social surveys in the field of transportation. The second is an issue of so-called “spiral of silence”. The words explain a situation where some individuals can not state their opinions because of a thought of “yield to the powerful”. It is expected that practical ways to break down the situation in consensus building processes will be proposed. The third is the position of the “silent group” in consensus building processes. We have to consider that why they are silent and how they can be included in planning; are they agree with the proposal?; are they indifferent because they do not recognize what will happen to them when the plan is realized? About this issue, we will focus on the roles of “social experiment”.
○久保田尚(埼玉大学) 藤井聡(京都大学) |
速報的・萌芽的 |
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Practical and Theoretical Advancement in Local Transport Planning
Local transport plans are now under planning in more than a hundred jurisdictions in Japan. Though a lot of methods have been developed for planning, analysis and evaluation, the applicability and usefulness of the methods are not well evaluated. This session will give practitioners and researchers an opportunity to exchange the latest findings on the applicability, usefulness, imitations and problems of these methods clarified through experiences of planning process in many jurisdictions, as well as new developments in technical, institutional and planning aspects..
○喜多秀行(神戸大学) |
実務・技術者課題 |
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環境的だけでなく,社会的,経済的に持続可能な地域の形成を意図する場合,また高齢社会を踏まえた交通体系を実現する場合,都市の顔づくりを推進する場合において公共交通を重視した交通計画を実現することは極めて重要である. このためには,快適な歩行空間や自転車利用,公共交通,さらに自動車を含めた総合的な交通政策の実現をめざすことと,都市計画やまちづくりのあり方を含めた検討を行うことが不可欠である.本セッションでは,以上の問題意識のもとに活発な議論を行いたい.
Integrated Transportation Policy and Machizukuri
When intending formation of a sustainable area not only an environmental target but socially, and economically, moreover, when the traffic system based on the aged society is realized, furthermore, when the city production of attractiveness is promoted, it is very important to implement transportation planning which thought public transport as important.For the purpose, it is indispensable to aim at comfortable walk space and bicycle use, public transport, and also realization of an integrated transportation policy including a car. It is important to perform investigation including the state of urban project and machizukuri.I would like to have an active discussion on the basis of the above awareness of the issues in this session.
○土井勉(神戸国際大学) |
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Urban renewal with light rail system
Falling population and birthrates, rapidly aging society, and serious global environmental issues to cope with these problems, we must say that there is a limit to the current dispersed way of town planning heavily dependent on automobiles. Future challenges we will be facing are the construction of a city centered on public transportation with priorities on walking, a convenient city with high amenities, and a sustainable city with reduced environmental burdens. Discussions at this session will be focused on LRT, which is being adopted in many western cities as a key to the development of these future cities. Specifically, discussions will be on the meaning of LRT introduction, a way to form consensus about its introduction, rules for construction and operation, reallocation of road space, various effects on travel behavior and urban development, and their evaluation.
○塚本直幸(大阪産業大学) 伊藤雅(和歌山工業高等専門学校) |
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Discussion for New Subjects of Urban Railway Studies
The level of urban railway network service in Japan is very high as a result of construction of new lines, expansion of capacity and direct interlines train operation. On the other hand, heavy congestion during commuting hours and accessibility to airport has not been solved yet. Additionally new problems which are daily train delay and transport safety and so on are occurred. In this session, new studies of urban railway are widely gathered and discussed.
○岩倉成志(芝浦工業大学) 轟朝幸(日本大学) 金子雄一郎(日本大学) |
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Pricing policy for urban transport
The pricing policy for urban transport can be regarded as transport demand management through the price mechanism. The recent rapid progress of information and communication technology, such as ETC for road traffic as well as electronic cards for public transport promotes technologically the applicability of pricing policy. The overall pricing policy for road traffic and public transport would be discussed in the session. The pricing problem of expressway, the distance based toll with ETC installation, elastic pricing policy, congestion taxation, and carbon taxation as second best pricing would be discussed for road traffic system. On the other hand, pricing policy for urban railway, the pricing policy for bus network, toll installation for community bus system and so on would be discussed for urban transport system. Finally, the self organized urban traffic management with pricing policy would be considered.
○奥嶋政嗣(徳島大学) 秋山孝正(関西大学) |
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交通ネットワークに関する方法論については多くの研究が蓄積され,近年も動学化,公共交通乗客配分,課金制度分析,OD需要逆推定,パラメータ推定,高度なアルゴリズムの実務適用など幅広い研究展開を見せている.本セッションは,昨年,一昨年に引き続き,交通ネットワークの方法論に関する最新の研究成果の発表をもとに,この分野の将来展望を含めた集中的な議論を行うことを目的としている.また,募集論文は,伝統的なネットワーク・モデルに限定せず,周辺学術分野 (ゲーム理論や情報科学など) との融合を含めた,交通システム全般のモデリングや方法論に関する研究論文も歓迎する.
Methodologies of Transportation Networks
Methodologies of transportation networks have been studied for a long timeand many new achievements are being reported. They include dynamic modeling,public transit modeling, pricing policy analysis, OD demand estimation,parameter estimation and application of sophisticated algorithms. In thissession we will discuss the issues and prospects of this research fieldbased on presentation of recent studies. This session also welcomes paperson modeling and/or methodologies of transportation systems which are notlimited to traditional transportation network models. They will include thestudies integrated with other academic research fields such as game theoryand information science.
○円山琢也(熊本大学) 井料隆雅(神戸大学) 中山晶一朗(金沢大学) |
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Future and Remained Problems on Transport Network Reliability Evaluation
The needs for practical implementation of travel time reliability evaluation has been emerging. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as well as each highway company therefore has been carrying out a trial calculation of the travel time reliability evaluation. Based on the discussion at the previous organised sessions for three years, we shall summarise the knowledge accumulated through the sessions as well as the future directions for transport network reliability analyses.
○宇野伸宏(京都大学) 倉内文孝(岐阜大学) |
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高速道路の交通運用 −理論と観測−
Expressway Management –Theory & Observation-
Expressway operators in Japan collect important data for traffic engineering applications. This data can be utilized to generate information for the users and for expressway management. However, research activities in this field are poorly reported so far. Therefore we invite all researchers and engineers who use expressway data or are interested in using it to join this session. This session will provide an opportunity to discuss the latest developments in the field.
○割田博(首都高速道路株式会社) 桑原雅夫(東京大学) 朝倉康夫(神戸大学) |
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Inflow Control - Theory & Practice come to next stage -
In mega cities, road congestion is frequently appeared and various measures have been carried out to mitigate them. The construction of a new roads, and provision of the traffic information (route guidance etc) are carried out but they proved not to be cost effective in operations. On the other hand, the theory has shown that inflow controls are effective measures to mitigate congestion with reasonable cost.However, inflow controls such as ramp metering or signal control have not generally been carried out. This session aims to bring theory and practice together, as well as to discuss the issue to be solved.
○吉井稔雄(京都大学) 割田博(首都高速道路株式会社) |
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The new method on road planning, design and traffic operation
Road traffic services considering the hierarchical classification is still insufficient in Japan. Therefore definitions of road functions have to be clarified in the road planning/design to obtain required performance. On the other hand, many discussions have been done on flexible road planning and design for consideration of local conditions. Accordingly in this session, planning/design and traffic operation schemes contributing safety and traffic performance improvement by adequate road functions will be discussed. Contributions are widely called, and particularly reports from practice are also very welcome.
○下川澄雄((財)国土技術研究センター) 森田綽之(社会システム(株)) |
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Decision Making and Performance Management for Winter Road Maintenance and Traffic
"The winter road maintenance has been improved since enacting of the Special Measure Law for Ensuring Traffic in the Cold Region, well known as the Snow-Cold Law. However, the importance of winter road surface maintenance has been increased since the regulation of studded-tire use in 1990. Furthermore, since steep fluctuation of snowfall repetition by climate change and financial problem, the more efficient and effective activities and securing of winter road maintenance regime are important issues.
In this session, the organizer will accept papers on the decision making of road authority and road users of winter road, performance measurement and performance management, including winter road monitoring technology, winter road ITS technology and snow removal regime, and will arouse discussion about objectives and future issues on those matters."
○浅野基樹((独法)土木研究所寒地土木研究所) 高橋清(北見工業大学) 浜岡秀勝(秋田大学) 松澤勝((独法)土木研究所寒地土木研究所) 高橋尚人((独法)土木研究所寒地土木研究所) |
実務・技術者課題 |
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2009年6月には2020年までに温暖化ガスの排出量を2005年比で15%減という中長期目標が発表された。日本の二酸化炭素排出量内訳を見ると、運輸部門の排出量が全体の20%を占めており、その大半を自動車が排出している。このような状況の中で、自動車から排出される二酸化炭素削減の一手法としてエコドライブ走行が注目されている。 本セッションでは、国内各地で行われているエコドライブおよびその周辺施策に関する実務および研究に関する最新の取り組みを紹介し、今後のエコドライブの方向性を議論する。
A medium-to-long term goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 15% from 2005 levels by 2020 was announced in June 2009. Transport sector emissions account for 20% of Japan's total CO2 emissions, and automobiles emit the majority of that. Under these circumstances, "eco-driving" is attracting attention as one way to reduce CO2 emissions from automobiles. In this session, we will describe the eco-driving techniques being used in localities throughout Japan, and the latest trends in business and research on peripheral policy relating to eco-driving, and discuss directions for eco-driving for the future.
○松本修一(慶應義塾大学) 森健二(科学警察研究所) 坂井康一(国土技術政策総合研究所) |
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Traffic accident measures
A variety of accident measures have been done aiming at the reduction of casualties by the traffic accident. Embodiments of the accident measures such as the improvement of the road shape and the Zebra display, the color pavement making, and the installation of LED type traffic signals, etc. have increased in Japan. The uncommon traffic control measures and the display of the remaining time of traffic signal, etc. are seen outside the country. In this session, we discuss the latest situation of traffic accident measures and the directionality in the future.
○藤田素弘(名古屋工業大学) 荻野弘(豊田工業高等専門学校) |
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Safety and efficiency of at-grade intersections
We would like to discuss the future aspects of at-grade intersections being ensured safety, effectiveness, etc through various analyses that has conducted for the purpose of not only traffic capacity and safety at signalized and unsignalized intersections, but also structurally-engineered intersections, well thought out operation and with new-type traffic signal control for improving the performance of at-grade intersections.
○鈴木弘司(名古屋工業大学) 大口敬(首都大学東京) |
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Towards practical deployment of roundabout in Japan
Severe crashes categorized as “frontal-side impact” and “right-turner versus opposing through vehicle” are still predominant at signalized and unsignalized intersections in Japan. A safer and more effective control scheme for at-grade junctions should be reconsidered according to local traffic conditions. On the other hand, roundabouts have positively been implemented in some other countries since several decades ago due to the similar reasons. In recent years finally, performance and planning/design of roundabouts are also being studied in Japan, however, further investigations and thorough discussions towards practical deployment are needed. In this organized session, contributions regarding roundabouts are widely open. Possible strategies and practical issues for its deployment in Japan will intensively be argued.
○米山喜之((株)長大) |
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Traffic signal control ~ emerging systems on evolutions in traffic monitoring
In this session, we will intensively discuss about the state-of-the-arts in traffic signal control which evolves with the latest technologies in traffic monitoring. The scope of the session focuses on the topics those for; (i) new control algorithm utilizing advanced traffic sensors, (ii) data fusion of the conventional sensors and probe data, (iii) communication between traffic signals and vehicles, etc. The papers will be called for public.
○桑原雅夫(東京大学) 堀口良太((株)アイ,トランスポート,ラボ) |
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Improvement of the Japanese law of road signs to achieve the intelligible road guidance system
Road Guide Sign is giving drivers the information of present position or the direction to the destination, and it plays the most important role in actual guidance system. The standard of the form and setting is provided by “the Japanese law of road signs”. It is installed all over in Japan and is effectively used by drivers. However, the law has not been modified since 1985 even though the road environment has been drastically changed, e.g. car navigation system has come into wide use. For that reason, we are seeking for what an intelligible road guidance system should be in this session by raising the current issues of the actual road sign and the current law.
○外井哲志(九州大学) 若林拓史(名城大宅) 吉井稔雄(京都大学) |
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ETC,VICSやカーナビなどの普及, IT技術と道路との融合などにより,ITSは先進技術の検討段階から社会に浸透させるための新たな段階となるべき転換期を迎えている.このようななか,今後は各地域における固有のニーズに基づくITSサービスや技術の適応,現地での実導入が必要である.
Regional ITS
Due to the spread of ETC, VICS, car navigation systems and other technologies, and the fusion of IT technology and roads, we are entering a transitional period where ITS will shift from the stage of studies of an advanced technology to a new stage of penetration into society. Under these conditions, it will be necessary going forward to adapt ITS services and technologies, and actually adopt them in the field, based on the specific needs in each region.
Therefore, in this session we will address pragmatic and practical examples of research and efforts on regional ITS being carried out in various localities throughout the country, and examine the best approaches, methods of utilization and other issues for ITS technology adapted to each region. We will also discuss directions for future development in the process of practically implementing regional ITS.
○畠中秀人(国土技術政策総合研究所) 松本修一(慶應義塾大学) 片岡源宗(高知工科大学) |
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The development and future of bicycle policy
There was lack of bicycle policy for more than twenty years between 1980to 1999 in Japan. Therefore recent development of use of bicycle makesdifficulties on the road because of lack of infrastructure. In thissession, planning aspect of bicycle such as historical review, politicaloverview, traffic demand forecast, mobility management, rental bike, andexamination of policy will be discussed.
○元田良孝(岩手県立大学) 屋井鉄雄(東京工業大学) |
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Design of Bicycle Friendly and Safer Space
Many projects building bicycle infrastructure in urban areas have beencarried out to promote bicycle usage and improve its safety. This session consists of practical studies focused on the analysisand evaluation of bicyclists' behaviour, subjective perception,accident statistics and so on to improve quality of design for bicyclespace.
○山中英生(徳島大学) 吉田長裕(大阪市立大学) |
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Tourism Researches
Researches in the field of tourism vary from not only infrastructure planning and social engineering, but also sociology, human geography and others. Recently, research theme in the field of the infrastructure planning has also diversified. For instance, several keywords has been confirmed such as “destination area management”, “destination brand”, “repeat visit” and “inbound tourism”. In the light of this, our session aims to discuss the current issues with regard to the tourism research based on the wide variety of topics.
○岡本直久(筑波大学) |
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Development of survey and analysis technique for the inter-city passenger transportation
Inter-city Passenger Transportation has particular characteristics which are not found in urban daily transportation, such as irregular trip generation, incomplete information of trip makers, supply of service subjected to thin demands, complex effect of service through multi-modal network, and so on. Development trials of new survey and analysis techniques considering characteristics of inter-city transportation above are widely gathered and discussed in this session.
○奥村誠(東北大学) 塚井誠人(広島大学) |
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Issues on Policy Making for Air Transport and Airport Management
The domestic aviation market has shrunk especially in local airports due to the recent economic recession etc. In the international market, Western countries and some of the Asian countries have tried to enhance the airport’s competitiveness in dynamic environmental changes including expansion of open-sky policy, success of LCCs and Regional Airlines. Capacity expansion of Haneda and Narita airport in 2010 is expected to change aviation market dramatically in Japan. In these changes, we have a lot of issues to study including institutionalization of airport planning, airport operation and management as well as passenger flow and behaviors analysis. These issues and future research directions are discussed in this session.
○高田和幸(東京電機大学) 平田輝満(財団法人運輸政策研究機構) |
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International cargo transport and logistics—hot issues
International cargo transport system related to Asian trade has faced on the big diversion. The loop construction of intercontinental trunk lines has been totally changed and number of port calls decreases due to the development of big ports such as Yangshan Port of Shanghai and the operation of so-called Megaships. On the contrary, in the short sea markets, the share of shipment using RORO/international ferry increases. In air cargo transport markets, the magnitude event was that the integrators moved their Asian hubs to Shanghai and Guangzhou. In order to understand the structural change of international cargo transport, some new approaches for analyzing the markets are proposed, and new directions of management policy for both markets and infrastructures are argued. Furthermore, in order to develop the further researches and actual policy making for smooth international cargo transport, we have an open discussion of the necessity of forming the common data format for setting up the international database. In this session, we aim to share the common knowledge about the current situation related to international cargo transport, and to discuss the following topics; management policy of international infrastructures, new methodology for demand forecast, deregulation and its impact, and common data format.
○竹林幹雄(神戸大学) 柴崎隆一(国土技術政策総合研究所) |
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Urban freight transport systems towards safe, secured and sustainable society
Urban freight transport systems are very important bases for creating safe, secured and sustainable society. It is critical to plan and execute the quick recovery from natural and manmade hazards. The hazardous material transport and traffic safety issues relating to truck traffic in urban areas are essential from the viewpoints of influence on other traffic and economy. Moreover, urban freight transport systems with less energy consumption and CO2 emissions are needed for low-carbon society. To fulfil these requirements we are to have papers from various public and private sectors on modelling and simulation of urban freight transport as well as planning, evaluation and implementation of urban freight transport policy measures.
○谷口栄一(京都大学) 兵藤哲朗(東京海洋大学) |
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Urban and transport systems to support low carbon society
Particularly, the urban transport sector shares for a quarter of the total CO2 emission and thus, the current transport trends require some adjustment measures in order to change its business as usual track. Thus, to determine the amount of CO2 emission and its long-term impact, it is necessary to conduct intensive researches on urban and transport planning that have significance in promoting low carbon society.
In this session ; urban and transport measures, evaluation of CO2 emission and reduction measures from urban and transport systems, policy proposal, etc, will be discussed. Besides, the mechanism to tackle these problems will be broadly examined.
○加藤博和(名古屋大学) |
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Energy Consumption and Environmental Governance in Developing Cities
With the rapid economic growth in developing cities, energy consumption in domestic and industrial sectors and so on is showing an increasing trend. Such trend has being causing not only air pollution, but also energy crisis. To resolve these issues, it is required to reform production and life styles, to implement energy-saving policies, and to promote the diversity, sustainability, and renewability of energy sources. Focusing on both transport and other sectors, this session calls for papers/reports from such viewpoint.
○張峻屹(広島大学) |
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Infrastructure planning in developing countries
This session welcomes submission of papers for presentation at the Conference of InfrastructurePlanning and Management in spring 2010. It covers the planning/policy/technology for tackling withthe infrastructure-related problems particularly in developing countries. It includes, but not limitedto the following topics: infrastructure investment in developing countries; environment issues inlow-income regions; urban transportation policy in Asian mega cities; and vulnerability in urbandevelopment. In this session, the submitted papers should be written in English and the presentersare also requested to talk and discuss in English.
○加藤浩徳(東京大学) |
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Dynamic Strategy of Infrastructure Management
Since infrastructure management extends for a long period of time, dynamic framework is indispensable in infrastructure planning. Our focus includes single structure, combination of multiple structures, network systems and macroeconomic stock, and we discuss on a great variety of management, considering its timing and the level. We are also concerned about financial aspect such as inter-regional and inter-generational cost allocation. Taking depopulation, revenue shortages, uncertainty, technology progress etc. into consideration, we bring up both contemporary and universal problems for discussion.
○横松宗太(京都大学) 石倉智樹(東京大学) |
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戦後のインフラ整備は、効率性を重視した太平洋ベルト主体のインフラ整備から、国土の均衡ある発展という地域間公平性を重視したインフラ整備を経てきたが、人口減少時代は社会とインフラの持続可能性の確保を考えていく必要に迫られていると考えられる。 人口減少が住宅・土地利用・社会資本管理に与える影響やその程度について、個別の研究蓄積が徐々に形成されている。また、コンパクトシティに代表されるような縮退期の都市計画のあり方についての議論もされている。一方で、土地利用・地域開発とインフラ整備を統合するような人口減少期のインフラ整備計画のあり方については、十分な議論がされているとは言いがたい。本企画セッションでは、人口減少期におけるインフラ整備の計画論のあり方について、特に、空間的、時間的な観点に着目しながら、議論することを目指している。理論研究、事例紹介、仮説提示等、関連するすべてのアプローチによる報告を歓迎する。
Discussion on the infrastructure development and management plan in depopulated society
Infrastructure development and management after the World War Two has been shifted from the efficiency, that is, intensive investments in the Taiheiyo belt region in the high economic growth period to the regional equality, so called, "Kokudo no Kinkou Aru Hatten". Nowadays, it can be considered that infrastructure development and management in a depopulated society should involve the concept of sustainability of both society and infrastructure.The impacts of population decline on houses, land use and infrastructure management and their extent have been discussed in previous researches gradually. In addition, the urban model in shrinking process such as "Compact cities" has been already discussed, while the discussion integrating both land use, regional development and infrastructure development and management can be scarcely found.This session aims at discussing how the infrastructure planning should be in a depopulated society, in particular, from spatial and timing perspective. Organizers welcome any approaches of this issue, such as, theoretical discussion, case studies, a proposal of hypothesis, and others.
○北詰恵一(関西大学) 植村哲士(野村総合研究所) 宇都正哲(野村総合研究所) |
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Reliability and Vulnerability Evaluation of Critical Infrastructures
In our country, infrastructure systems are on the verge of deteriorating. In addition, infrastructure systems depend on one another at the sophisticated level, and if the functions of the critical infrastructure stop due to disaster, accidents, intentional criminal attacks, or deterioration, the entire system may break down at a stretch. In this session, we will discuss the methods for evaluating the reliability of the entire infrastructure system and the vulnerability of the urban functions with respect to the CI outage, from the viewpoint of asset and risk managements. In addition, we will intensively study new methodologies in asset and risk managements, to attain the above goal.
○小林潔司(京都大学) 貝戸清之(大阪大学) 青木一也((株)パスコ) |
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Regional Disaster Prevention System
Although natural phenomena, such as an earthquake and a typhoon, are the triggers of disaster, the complicated activity of human society intervenes in the process which causes damage. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the following disaster by analyzing the disaster risk management from a disaster revival to usual term and immediately after disaster from the viewpoint of planning theory, after regarding disaster as a social economy phenomenon generated in human society. Recently, the importance of the socioeconomic side of disaster is recognized and the expectation for the infrastructure planning field about disaster prevention, such as the constructing of urban and regional system against a disaster, the recovery and revival planning from disaster, is growing increasingly. In this session, we would like to discuss the methodology utilized in future disaster risk management through investigating and analyzing the social economy system in usual term and disaster revival process.
○多々納裕一(京都大学) 高木朗義(岐阜大学) |
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Roads ahead to development of CGE and SCGE
CGE and SCGE models have emerged into infrastructure planning field in 1990s and continued to develop by mutual feedback of academic improvement of the modeling and practical application. Today, CGE and SCGE models have principal role as the most established practical methodology of comprehensive economic analysis for infrastructure policy assessment. On the other hand, problems to solve and new frontiers of model application are also found in CGE-SCGE research field. In this session, the contribution of CGE and SCGE to infrastructure planning and future research topics are to be discussed.
○小池淳司(鳥取大学) |
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Evolving Computable Urban Economic Models
There has been progress in researches on Computable Urban Economic (CUE) Models that are fully based on a microeconomic foundation. CUE Model is a tool for analyzing real urban economies and evaluating urban polices in practice. This session is organized by Dr. Morito Tsutsumi, Dr. Shin-ichi Muto and Dr. Kiyoshi Yamasaki to explore the breadth and depth of CUE Models.
○堤盛人(筑波大学) 武藤慎一(山梨大学) 山崎清((株)価値総合研究所) |
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Land-use micro-simulation
Micro-simulation approach with which specific behavior of a household or individual are simulated has been applied to the land-use modeling to be remarkably developed in recent years. It has been already in practice in the US and some European countries and expected to be used in the planning practice in Japan. However, we have many challenges to be solved such as generation of initial data sets, evaluation of the data, modeling of market mechanism, interpretation and implication of outputs. Therefore, this session will address these problems related to the land-use micro-simulation approach and extendedly discuss about developing products and future topics to be addressed.
○鈴木温(名城大学) |
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Coordination policies for urban management
In this session, various kinds of regional phenomena where multiple equilibria from strategic complementarities between agents are analyzed. Innovation process of urban and regional policies to escape from traps of inefficiency toward low-carbon society is investigated. Policies to revise positive feedback mechanism with strategic complementarity and those to switch one equilibrium to another where behaviors of agents in the mass are revised to more efficient equilibrium are analyzed both theoretically and empirically. Presentations about analysis about the existence of multiple equilibria and its factors, new public policies for spatial and temporal managemtn design and evaluation of social experimentation and new trend for Transportation Demand Management policies will be made.
○松島格也(京都大学) 宇野伸宏(京都大学) |
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Citizen Participation, Public Involvement
The aim of this session is to discuss citizen participation and public involvement for infrastructure planning eagerly. Research topics might be related to process management, tools for decision making, mediation, facilitation, psychology and so on.
○矢嶋宏光((財)計量計画研究所) 寺部慎太郎(東京理科大学) |
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Citizen participation and community design
For social capital improvement, maintenance policy examination through local cooperation has been introduced as a continuing challenge and as a method for local administration. Such examination is done on various scales in planning and implementation stages. Often, only the methods are made known as successful examples. The following knowledge has not been shared: the direction and challenges of method expansion according to regions or business fields, and associated legal systems.
This session is designed to share interdisciplinary knowledge through discussion of how “citizen participation types of administration policy planning” should be conducted, as well as a “continuation of citizen participation” and “legal systems”. We welcome submissions of papers addressing the following topics based on work experience related to citizen participation and other special knowledge: challenges and ideal citizen participation in administration policy planning, continuation of citizen participation, and related legal systems.
○大島明(国際航業株式会社) 森本章倫(宇都宮大学) |
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Local Governance for a Sustainable Region
In deteriorating fiscal conditions, it is increasingly critical for local governments to be strategic in realizing sustainable regional management in terms of environmental burden, economic development and social maintenance. In reality, however, local governments tend to put interests of individual jurisdictions ahead of interests of a wider area. After the great merger of municipalities in Heisei era, which failed to accomplish establishment of wider jurisdictions, it is still regarded imperative to set up a structure for local governments to work together. Besides, the issue has not been paid enough attention. This session reviews current situation of local governance in our country, and solicits intensive discussion based on theory analyses, studies on foreign systems and organization structures, and latest case studies and techniques for intergovernmental coordination.
○岩佐賢治((財)計量計画研究所) |
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Local Governance for a Sustainable Region
It is the time that the local governments solve the administrative problemby themselves. Although the attention toward researches on administrativemanagement and policy making in infrastructure planning and management basedon engineering and systems analysis approaches are increasing, they are notsufficiently useful because of several reasons. The session callspresentations that focus on techniques and expects discussion of theiravailabilities and feasibilities. It does not matter whether the speaker ispractitioners or not but the presentation from the practitioner is welcome.
○谷本圭志(鳥取大学) 秀島栄三(名古屋工業大学) |
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The regional alliances policy that utilized the landscape
A characteristic of the landscape is to be able to feel plural areas as continuation or a unity. Therefore, the landscape planning has possibility that effectively promotes the regional alliances and the community making among areas. If we can design such a landscape planning, it is useful for the towns and villages that need regional alliances and the community making. A purpose of this session is to discuss about the landscape planning that promotes regional alliances and community making.
○岡田智秀(日本大学) 佐々木葉(早稲田大学) |
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Urban and Regional Planning for the Conservation on Biological and Activity Diversity
Biological Diversity becomes an important keyword. 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10) also scheduled for October 2010 in Nagoya. On this occasion, it is necessary to look around how we should and we could manage biological diversity in the field of urban and regional planning. Besides, this session is also wide open for any topic that relates Diversity, such as Urban Activity Diversity that could have important concept for future planning.
○谷口守(筑波大学) |
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Barrier-free and Accessible Cities for Children and Parents
In an aging society with fewer children, promoting an environment that allows children, pregnant women, and parents of babies and young children to participate in out-of-home activities safely, securely and in comfort, and as a measure to solve the low birthrate issue, is growing more important. This session will focus on barriers encountered by children and parents with infants and small children when conducting daily activities including out-of-home activities. Further, we hope that this session will be an opportunity for comprehensive discussion from a variety of perspectives, such as city planning, transportation, and public welfare, on barrier-free policies for child-raising which include effective transport policies for the support of a participatory society through the easing of such barriers.
○大森宣暁(東京大学 谷口綾子(筑波大学) |
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Civil engineering and school education
Since integrated study is introduced, specialist who has an intimate acquaintance with social capital such as public transport, barrier-free design, road construction, river management and public heritage have been collaborating with teachers at elementally schools. It is necessary to share good practices which can learn public viewpoints and to give feedback to educational fields. The purpose of this cession is to reconsider the role of specialist at school education. In this cession I receive the papers to share good practice which was used specialized knowledge of civil engineering at elementally school and to discuss how to support school education.
○松村暢彦(大阪大学) |
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