Final Program has been uploaded (click here)
Pre-conference event “The Eighth International Workshop on Coastal Disaster Prevention - Restoration
and Rehabilitation from Disasters Caused by Level-2 Tsunami -”, September
5 (click here)
Post-conference tour (visit tsunami stricken area), September 9 – 10 (click here)
Normal registration on the web from June 29 to August 13 (click here)
The Organizing Committee of COASTAL STRUCTURES 2011 cordially invites you to participate in the 6th International Conference
on Coastal Structures to be held in Yokohama, Japan, September 5-9, 2011.
COASTAL STRUCTURES 2011 will be the sixth in a sequence of technical specialty
conferences bringing together researchers and practitioners on coastal
structures. The multidisciplinary Coastal Structures 2011 will be of interest
to coastal engineers, ocean engineers, consultant engineers, and scientists
in related fields. It should also be of relevance for coastal specialists
and managers and all those interested in mitigation of coastal disasters.
In Coastal Structures 2011, emphasis will be placed on
Coastal Disaster Preparedness and Ocean Utilization
in a Changing Climate.