第4回 建設用ロボットシンポジウム論文集
Proceedings of The Fourth Symposium on Construction Robotics in Japan
  於 :経団連会館 経団連ホール

   "A Report on 11th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction"
   *長谷川幸男(早稲田大学)  1

   "Application Height and Eccentricity of Gravity Center Control System of
   a Rear-Wheel Drive Vehicle Moving up and down a Sloped Weak Terrain"
   室 達朗、深川良一(愛媛大学)  5

   "Relationship between the Performances and the Control Conditions
   of a Miniature Excavator for Diaphragm Wall Method"
   *深川良一、室 達朗、保積浩二(愛媛大学)
   松生隆司、澤 芳幸((株)鴻池組)  15

   "Development of Excavation Robot for Underground Space"
   中村達也(三重大学)  23

   "Automatic System for Positioning Vessel for Sea-Bed Operations"
   *勝原法生、奥山健三(フドウ技研(株))・磯田知広(不動建設(株))  31

   "Development of Transportable Arc Welding Robot Cell with Compact Manipulater"
   *大塚芳弥、小池 健(川崎重工業(株))  37

   "An Engineering Approach to Cariage Automation System
   at Construction Site(The Fourth Report)
   *滝澤幸信((株)間組)・油田信一(筑波大学)  43


   "A Wide Area Accurate Positioning System Using Differential GPS and Teleterminal System"
   *佐田達典、高田知典(三井建設(株))・丸山隆男((株)オージス総研)  49

   "Tele-Existence for Construction Work Manipulater"
   *遠藤 健、鷹巣征行、佐藤 務、柳原好孝(東急建設(株))  57

   "Guidance of Mobile Robot using VTR and Real-time Vision"
   *黒須崇司、近江正徳(前田建設工業(株))・大矢晃久、油田信一(筑波大学)  65

   "Fundamental Study on Task Planning for Automatic Shoveling on Piled Fragment Rocks by Using Images"
   *鎌田博之、高橋 弘、益山 忠(東北大学)  71

   "On a Mathematical Model Described by the Linear Stochastic Differential
   Equation for the Micro-Tunnelling System in Case of the Homogeneous Ground"
   *高津知司(建設省土木研究所)  81

   "Automation in Placing Rails and Ties for Shield Driving"
   *小原由幸、宮沢和夫、岡本 正(清水建設(株))
   改発清秀(川崎重工業(株))  89

   "Development of Robotics Small-Diameter Constructing Tunnel"
   *大竹昌志、木村幸夫(NTTフィールドシステム研究開発センタ)  95

   "Development and Application of Segment Erection Equipment with
   Automatic Joint Tightening Using Cotters and Quick-Joint Segments"
   *山田幸男、納見誠一、山中邦夫(前田建設工業(株))   101

   "Automatic Segment Erection System for Super-Large Shield Machine"
   *羽畑 修、真鍋隆夫、佐藤安美、岩田博吉(川崎重工業(株))  107

   "Automatic Pipe Installation System for Pipe Jacking Method"
   *畑山栄一((株)奥村組)  115

   "Application of All-Weather Automatic Building Construction System"
   *仁ノ平栄、正岡勇夫、伊藤源昭、西多 致(前田建設工業(株))  121

   "The Development of Automatic Assembling and Welding System
   of Beam Rectungular Column Joint Panel of Steel Structures"
   *山崎俊彦、田中將基(川崎重工業(株))  129

   "Development of the Light Weight Manipulator for Interior Finish Work"
   矢野 享、高橋治男、出口 純(東都電機工業(株))  137

   "Development of a Multifunctional Robot for Installation of
   Building Exterior and Interior Finishing Materials"
   *澤田元宏(日本車輌製造(株))・三山 晃((株)フジタ)
   鈴木郁男(藤田機材リース(株))  145

   "Results of an Application of All-Weather Automated Building Construction System"
   *前田純一郎、近藤弘司、野村 肇、奥山信博、安部愛和、諸井陽児
   羽切道雄、中西正明、稲田勝博、菊池 章(清水建設(株))  151

   "Development of a Robot System for Spraying of Fireproof Covering Material"
   相川常紀(日本電油(株))  159

   "Development of New Ventilation System for
   Tunnel Excavation and Its Practice"
   *菊池雄一、河野重行(清水建設(株))  167

   "Methodology for Developing Integrated Interior Finishing Work System"
   *玉木鉄也(青山学院大学)・長谷川幸男(早稲田大学)  173

   "Development of Autonomous Mobile Robot Simulation System"
   *松永義憲、佐藤竜郎、上田昭郎、水谷 亮(鹿島建設(株))  179

   "Lift-Up Method for Construction of Large Hanger with Measurement"
   仁科雄太郎(東急建設(株))  187

   "Development of TBM(Tunnel Boring Machine)Automatic Control System"
   *富岡 彰、風間慶三((株)大林組)・庵原 滋、松野博文(川崎重工業(株))  197

   "Development and Application of Shield Tunnelling Automatic Management System"
   *浅上裕司、酒井邦登(東急建設(株))  203

   "Development of Data Processing System for NATM Operations"
   隈元 進(マイクロダイナミックス(株))  211

   "Total Engineering System for Shield Tunnelling"
   *市原義久、岡  衛、福居雅也、須田博幸((株)奥村組)  217

   "Automatic Laser-Controlled Erection Management System for High-Rise Buildings"
   *松本三千緒、神崎 正、仲野孝一(大成建設(株))  223

   "Development of an Autonomous Pipeline Maintenance Robot with Lazy Tongs Mechanism."
   原 文雄、細貝英実、内田康之(東京理科大学)  229

   "Development of a New Type of Jig for Steel Structure Erection, and Measurement System"
   *高田秀行、時岡誠剛、渡辺英彦、内藤充洋((株)熊谷組)  239

   "Radar Subsurface Detection System for Shield Machine"
   *稲田義和、板場通夫(飛鳥建設(株))  247

   "Automatic Measurement Robot Which Corresponds to Small Section and Curve Part."
   *増田 稔、山本圭一、飛松克政、相良 拓、佐々木雅秀、
   永木君治(東亜建設工業(株))  253

   "Development of the Automatic Shield-Surveyor for the Sharp Curves(ASSC)"
   *石井正典、坪井広美(西松建設(株))  261

   "Development of an Automatic Radiography Test Device for Cylindrical Tanks"
   愛屋憲一(設備技建(株))  269

   "Development of Tunnel Radar"
   金子 誓((株)建設企画コンサルタント)  275

   "Development of Automated Survey System in Three-Dimensional Space"
   *杉本弘道、脇坂達也、菱河恭一、渡辺幸次((株)大林組)  281

   "Hydraulic Manipulator for Man-Robot Cooperation"
   *星野春夫、室 英治、松永勇雄((株)竹中工務店)
   福田敏男、藤澤佳生、小菅一弘(名古屋大学)  289

   "Automatic Dam Concrete Placing System"
   *中山隆義、米田安夫、堀 保夫、吉原一義((株)奥村組)  297

   "Development of Selfstriding Concrete Placing Robot"
   *嶋野 亨、中村冷治(三和機材(株))・川村建夫、青柳隼夫、落合 実、
   上浦直樹、奥田健史((株)竹中工務店)  305

   "Development of a Remote-Control Transportation System for Use in Underground Space"
   *岩岡 聡、森 利夫、中井康孝、船津和弘、渡部博善((株)フジタ)  311

   "Development of a Dam-Concrete Automatic Transporting System"
   *高橋栄次、風間慶三、中尾通夫((株)大林組)  319

   "Development of Tunnel Wall Cleaning Robot"
   *垣内昌之(建設省大宮国道工事事務所)  327

   "Development of a Robot Asphalt Finisher"
   萩原哲雄((財)先端建設技術センター)  335

   "On Development of Self Propelld Automatic Pruning Equipment"
   *泉川暢宏、岩澤委式(建設省四国地方建設局)  341

   "Development of Discharged Soil Feed Pipe Setter"
   *神尾正博、白石康信、柴田 学(鹿島建設(株))  347

   "Development of Pipe Handling Machine"
   *吉田泰弘、大西 正、小畑裕行((株)小松製作所)
   菊池雄一、和田孝史、児島 彰(清水建設(株))  353

   "Development of Jointing Robot for Earthquake-Proof Ductile Iron Pipe"
   *戸島敏雄、槇  原、石原孝浩((株)クボタ)  359

   "Development of Green-Cutting Robots"
   和田正道、高畑 研(清水建設(株))  365

   "development of Digging Work Robot"
   *柳原好孝、鷹巣征行、佐藤 務、後久卓哉(東急建設(株))  373

   "Demobilization and Recovery System of Excavation Robot
   in Pneumatic Caisson Method"
   *宮下政樹、池田勝彦(大豊建設(株))  381

   "An Invert Concrete Screeding Machine for Shield Tunneling"
   *鈴木 稔、桜井 洋、大西常康、菅野正徳、菊池公男、三上忠男((株)竹中土木) 387

   "Development of Headrace Tunnel Invert Concrete Finisher"
   *成田 守、本河経男、大森嘉朗、塚田秀男、澤田凱夫((株)フジタ)  395

