The Concrete Committee of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers set up a "Research Committee on Continuous Fiber Reinforcing Materials (CFRM)" in 1989, chaired by Prof. H.Okamura. The fee for the research works was offered by the Association of Composite Materials using Continuous Fiber for Concrete Reinforcement (CCC). The research committee's work involved various aspects of CFRM, e.g. review of research works and actual applications; study on how to design structures, to deal with durability problems and on the test methods. The committee work was compiled as a state-of-the art report on "Application of Continuous Fiber Reinforcing Materials to Concrete Structures" and published in Japanese in the journal, Concrete Library, No. 72 in 1992.

Another aim of the committee was to offer a chance to committee members to study about the material by their own way in order to collect ideas on the fundamental designing methods. The work done by the committee members was published together with the research work done by other researchers in the proceedings of the Symposium on Application of CFRM on Concrete Structures (Concrete Engineering Series 1) in April 1992. A part of the work related to the designing method and the state-of-the-art report was translated into English and published as "State-of-the-Art Report on Continuous Fiber Reinforcing Materials" (Concrete Engineering Series 3) in October 1993.

For CFRM to be widely used in the field of concrete, it is necessary to have a set of guidelines for practical design and construction methods together with the standard test methods and specifications. The Second Research Committee on CFRM was thus set up by JSCE Concrete Committee, entrusted by CCC and the Advanced Composite Cable Club (ACC), to prepare such guidelines. The committee spent three years from November 1993 to October 1995 to come up with its recommendations. The following four working groups were set up within the committee:


    (1) Design method (Chairman: Prof. Y. Kakuta)
    (2) Construction methods (Chairman: Prof. T. Tsuji)
    (3) Specifications (Chairman: Prof. T. Uomoto)
    (4) Standard test methods (Chairman: Prof. H. Seki).


The work done by the committee was published in Japanese in Concrete Library, No. 88, in 1996. The article includes recommendations for design and construction, specifications, standard test methods and necessary data for using CFRM.

This "Recommendation for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures using Continuous Fiber Reinforcing Materials" (Concrete Engineering Series 23) is a translated version of the above-mentioned report which was written in Japanese. I hope that people throughout the world who use CFRM as reinforcement for concrete structures will find the information contained in this book useful.


September 1, 1997

Atsuhiko Machida
The Second Research Committee on CFRM, JSCE