The TCG (Technical Chamber of Greece) - JSCE Joint Seminar was held on 20th November 2009 at Atena, Greece. The JSCE concrete committee has held joint seminars with several Civil Engineers' Societies foreign countries, with which JSCE has an agreement for collaboration, including CICHE (Taiwan), MACE (Mongolia), VIFCEA (Vietnam), KSCE (Korea), and SVR(Sweden). The seminar was held in Europe to establish a strong collaboration with partner societies in Europe.
The theme of this seminar was "New developments in Technology and Standards for Reinforced Concrete in Europe and Japan." Based on this theme, six recent research topics (three each from JSCE and TCG) were presented.
The topics from JSCE were “Recycling concrete - the present state and future perspective” (K. Sakai), “JSCE specifications on stainless steel bars and new anchorage/splice technologies” (T. Shimomura) and “Advancement of technology to improve seismic performance of concrete bridge after Kobe earthquake” (H. Nakamura). The topics from TCG were “European Standard ΕΝ 206-1 for Concrete Technology and the application in Greece” (T. Dragkiotis), “Design of Concrete Structures according to Eurocode 2 Part 1-1 (ΕΝ 1992-1-1)” (P. Yannopoulos), and “European Standards: Eurocode 8: Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance and Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance” (M. Fardis). There were many discussions during each presentation, which means that the joint seminar was successful.
The seminar was supported by the International Scientific Exchange Fund, JSCE.