TCCE - JSCE/TR Section
- JCSE Joint Symposium on Concrete Engineering

    The JSCE Concrete Committee has held joint seminars with several Society of Civil Engineers in foreign countries, with which JSCE has an agreement for collaboration. In the past, the joint seminars with CICHE (Taiwan) and MACE (Mongolia) in 2005, VIFCEA (Vietnam) in 2006, KSCE (Korea) in 2007, SVR(Sweden) in 2008, and TCG(Greece) in 2009 were held in Asia and Europe, establishing strong collaborations with partner societies.
    This year, the TCCE (Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers) - JSCE Turkey Section - JSCE Joint Symposium was held on 9th June 2010 at Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
    The symposium began with an opening speech by Prof. Dr. Zeki Hasgur who is a president of Turkey Section of JSCE and a professor at Istanbul Technical University. The importance of collaboration between JSCE and TCCE was raised, because Japan and Turkey had experienced the loss of many human lives and damage to many concrete structures due to Kobe earthquake in 1995 and Izumit earthquake in 1999, respectively.
    The theme of this seminar was "New Developments in Concrete Engineering". Based on this theme, nine topics related to recent research and standards (four from JSCE and five from TCCE) were presented. More than 80 participants attended the symposium and actively took part in discussions. We shared each other's experiences to improve in our research and application fields.

The topics are listed below:
High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Cement Based Composites and Their Applications
Mehmet Ali TAŞDEMİR (Istanbul Technical University)

JSCE Recommendations for Design and Construction of Ultra High Strength and Strain Hardening Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites
Yuichi UCHIDA (Gifu University), Gregor FISCHER, Yoshihiro HISHIKI, Junichiro NIWA and Keitetsu ROKUGO

Durability Issues in Existing RC Buildings and New Infrastructure Project
Yılmaz AKKAYA(Istanbul Technical University) and Nurettin DEMIR(Nurol JV)

Durability Design and Maintenance Planning of Concrete Structures in Coastal Environment Specified in JSCE Standard Specification
Koji TAKEWAKA (Kagoshima University)

Seismic Safety Evaluation of Existing Buildings (Principles of the Code and Training of Turkish engineers)
Zekai CELEP (Istanbul Technical University)

Advancement of Seismic Performance Evaluation Methods of Concrete Structures after Kobe Earthquake
Hikaru NAKAMURA(Nagoya University), Yoshihito YAMAMOTO and Yasar Hanifi GEDIK

Effect of Concrete Quality for the Seismic Performance of RC Buildings
Zeki HASGÜR(Istanbul Technical University), Beyza TASKIN and Ulgen MERT TUGSAL

Failure Mechanism of Old and New Type RC Columns after Reinforcement Corrosion
Caglar GOKSU (Istanbul Technical University), Alper İLKİ and Nahit KUMBASR

Impact-Elastic Wave Methods for Non-destructive Evaluation of Grouting Condition in Tendon Ducts in PC Structures
Toshiro KAMADA (Osaka University), Shinya UCHIDA and Toshiki IWASAKI

Underline indicates presenters.

Key members in the symposium

Symposium room


                       Opening speech by Prof. HASGÜR                                                 Japanese members


Visit to Construction site of Marmaray Tube Tunnel