Test Methods and Specifications" as a part of Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures was revised in November 2010 by Concrete Committee in Japan Society of Civil Engineers.
It consists of two volumes, one contains JSCE standards on test methods and specifications of concrete fields and some related test methods established by the other organizations, and the other lists Japanese Industrial Standards regarding materials for concrete, steel bars, test methods for concrete and so on.
Testing methods and specifications has played important roles for performance verification of concrete structures. Therefore, this publication has also been utilized when designing, constructing and repairing concrete structures.
This article describes outlines of newly included JSCE standards.
"Test Methods and Specifications"contains two new test methods for repairing material. One is "Test method of resistance against falling of concrete pieces for surface coating materials by means of punching loading (JSCE-K533 2010)", and the other is "Test method of measuring resistivity for patching repair materials with four electrodes (JSCE-K562 2008)". Repairing of existing concrete structures becomes very major interest for many developed countries. It also has significance of reducing environmental impacts.
Table 1 shows 10 test methods for evaluation of performance of metal or plastic sheath for prestressed concrete. Although, the "Materials and Construction" part of Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures describes the needs for performance evaluation of metal or plastic sheath for prestressed concrete, there have been no JSCE standards for the purpose in the previous version of this publication. To respond above mentioned situation, JSCE Concrete Committee has prepared 10 new standards for prestressed concrete sheaths.