JSCE/Thailand Chapter – JSCE Joint Seminar | |||||
In this year, the JSCE/Thailand Chapter - JSCE Joint Seminar was held on
August 17, 2011 at Tarathep hall of Chaophya Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
Thailand Concrete Association(TCA) and ACI Thailand Chapter supported the
seminar. PDF version |
The JSCE Concrete Committee has held joint seminars with several overseas civil engineering societies in Asia and Europe with which JSCE has collaboration agreements. In past years, these seminars have been with CICHE (Taiwan) and MACE (Mongolia) in 2005, VIFCEA (Vietnam) in 2006, KSCE (Korea) in 2007, SVR (Sweden) in 2008, TCG (Greece) in 2009, and TCCE/JSCE Turkey Section (Turkey) in 2010. Strong collaborative partnerships with these societies have been established. This year, a joint seminar between the JSCE Thailand Chapter and JSCE was held on August 17, 2011 in the Tarathep Hall of Chaophya Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. The Thailand Concrete Association (TCA) and ACI Thailand Chapter supported the seminar. For this event, there was a change of style. Joint seminars in the past have involved an exchange of information between the two societies, covering recent research topics and design codes. This time, however, the seminar focused on delivering information from the Japan side to Thai Engineers. The Great East Japan Earthquake of 11th March caused damage to many concrete structures as a result of ground motion and the ensuing tsunami. Civil engineers around the world are interested in information about this damage. The JSCE took this opportunity to deliver information about this recent earthquake and tsunami disaster in Tohoku to engineers in Thailand. The symposium began with an opening speech by Prof. Dr. Somnuk Tangtermsirikul, professor at Thammasat University and President of the Thailand Concrete Association. JSCE members then proceeded to give presentations on five topics, as follows. Professor N. Mizutani discussed the characteristics of the tsunami, the damage it caused, and possible countermeasures. Professor K. Kosa described typical damage to bridges caused by the tsunami, an analysis of a bridge affected by the tsunami, and a method of estimating the tsunami’s force. Professor H. Mutsuyoshi gave a presentation about damage to concrete structures and its mechanisms in the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (1995), Niigata-Chuetsu Earthquake (2004), and the Great East Japan Earthquake (2011). Professor H. Nakamura talked about seismic retrofitting techniques, the restoration of damaged structures, and methods of enhancing seismic performance. Finally, Prof. K. Maruyama explained the history of the JSCE’s seismic design method, outlined the JSCE seismic code, and talked about some aspects of the damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake (2011). More than 70 participants at the joint seminar actively engaged in discussions on these topics. |