Opening Speech
Somnuk TANGTERMSIRIKUL (Professor of Thammasat University) |
Characteristics of Tsunamiand Damage caused by Tsunami
Norimi MIZUTANI (Professor of Nagoya University) |
Experimental Study for Estimating Tsunami Forces Acting on Bridge Girders
Kenji KOSA (Professor of Kyusyu Institute of Technology) |
Damage of Concrete Structures Due to Earthquake -from Hanshin-
Awaji(1995) to East Japan Earthquake(2011)
Hiroshi MUTSUYOSHI (Professor of Saitama University) |
Preventive and Repair Methods for RC Structures to Resist Earthquake
Hikaru NAKAMURA (Professor of Nagoya University) |
Current JSCE Design Standard for RC Structures to Resist Seismic Load
Kyuichi MARUYAMA (Professor of Nagaoka University of Technology) |