Coming Soon!
Forty-four JSCE concrete standards in English to be made freely available in downloadable form

(Sub-committee on Test Methods and Specifications for Concrete, Concrete Committee)

PDF Version is available: Click here

JSCE has about 140 standards relating to concrete in Japanese. These JSCE standards include test methods for concrete and specifications of material quality for concrete, just like the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) and so on. As of this time, 44 of the 140 standards (see attached list) have been translated into English.
These JSCE concrete standards are divided into 11 categories relating to the materials used for concrete, the concrete itself, and concrete structures: cement, water, aggregate, additives, reinforcement, fresh concrete, hardened concrete, concrete products, construction equipment, resin concrete, repair materials, and general.
The first distribution of English versions planned for upload to our website will consist of thirteen standards, including 10 relating to test methods for pre-stressed concrete sheaths, a test method based on EPMA, a test method for trace element leaching, and a measurement method for the resistivity of repair materials. The remaining 31 standards will be successively made available in the same way in the near future.

JSCE Standards (Apr./9/2012)

*10 Standards related to prestressed concrete sheaths
number year title
JSCE-E 701 2010 Test method for resistance of metal sheath for prestressed concrete under concentrated loading (draft)
JSCE-E 702 2010 Test method for resistance of metal sheath for prestressed concrete under uniform compressive loading (draft)
JSCE-E 703 2010 Test method for flexibility of metal sheath for prestressed concrete (draft)
JSCE-E 704 2010 Test method for resistance of plastic sheath for prestressed concrete under concentrated loading (draft)
JSCE-E 705 2010 Test method for resistance of plastic sheath for prestressed concrete under uniform compressive loading (draft)
JSCE-E 706 2010 Test method for flexibility of plastic sheath for prestressed concrete (draft)
JSCE-E 707 2010 Test method for leak tightness for plastic sheath of prestressed concrete (draft)
JSCE-E 708 2010 Test method for flexural characteristics of plastic sheath for prestressed concrete (draft)
JSCE-E 709 2010 Test method for abrasion resistance of plastic sheath for prestressed concrete (draft)
JSCE-E 710 2010 Test method for bond characteristics of plastic sheath for prestressed concrete (draft)

number year title
JSCE-G 574 2005 Area analysis method for chemical element distribution in concrete using EPMA (draft)

*Leaching of trace elements
number year title
JSCE-G 575 2005 Test method for leaching of trace elements from hardened concrete (draft)

*Resistivity of repair materials
number year title
JSCE-K 562 2008 Test method for measuring resistivity of patching materials with four electrodes (draft)

*Other 31 Standards
number year title
JSCE-C 506 2003 Test method of density and water absorption of slag aggregate for concrete by measurement of electric resistance
JSCE-D 102 2005 Specification for set accelerating agent for sprayed concrete (mortar) (draft)
JSCE-F 561 2005 Method of making specimens for compressive strength tests of sprayed concrete (mortar) (draft)
JSCE-F 562 2005 Method of making specimens for durability tests of sprayed concrete (mortar) (draft)
JSCE-F 563 2005 Test method for rebound percentage of sprayed concrete (mortar) (draft)
JSCE-F 564 2005 Test method for dust concentration in air during spraying concrete (mortar) (draft)
JSCE-F 565 2005 Test method for mechanical properties, spraying performance and durability of sprayed concrete (mortar) (draft)
JSCE-F 566 2005 Method of making specimens of bond strength tests of sprayed concrete (mortar) for repairing and strengthening (draft)
JSCE-G 561 2005 Test method for early strength of sprayed concrete (mortar) by pull-out method (draft)
JSCE-G 562 2005 Test method for early strength of sprayed concrete (mortar) using prism specimens (draft)
JSCE-G 563 2005 Test method for strength of sprayed concrete (mortar) for repairing and strengthening using prism specimens (draft)
JSCE-G 564 2005 Test method for length change of sprayed concrete (mortar) for repairing and strengthening (draft)
JSCE-G 571 2003 Test method for effective diffusion coefficient of chloride ion in concrete by migration
JSCE-G 572 2003 Test method for apparent diffusion coefficient of chloride ion in concrete by immersion in salt water
JSCE-G 573 2003 Measurement method for distribution of total chloride ion in concrete structure
JSCE-K 511 2007 Test method for weathering resistance of concrete surface coating materials
JSCE-K 521 1999 Test method for oxygen permeability of concrete surface coating materials
JSCE-K 522 2005 Test method for vapor permeability of concrete surface coating materials
JSCE-K 523 2005 Test method for water permeability of concrete surface coating materials
JSCE-K 524 2005 Test method for chloride ion permeability of concrete surface coating materials
JSCE-K 531 1999 Test methods for bond strength of concrete surface coating materials
JSCE-K 532 2007 Test method for elongation performance of concrete surface coating materials over concrete crack
JSCE-K 541 2000 Test methods of organic crack injecting materials for repairing in concrete structures
JSCE-K 542 2000 Test method of cement crack injecting materials for repairing in concrete structures
JSCE-K 543 2000 Test methods for polymer modified cement crack injecting materials for repairing in concrete structures
JSCE-K 551 2000 Test method of grouting organic materials for repairing and strengthening in concrete structures
JSCE-K 552 2000 Test methods of cement grouting materials for repairing and strengthening in concrete structures
JSCE-K 553 2000 Test methods of polymer modified cement grouting materials for repairing and strengthening in concrete structures
JSCE-K 561 2003 Test method of patching repair materials in concrete structures
JSCE-K 571 2004 Test methods of surface penetrants for concrete structures (draft)