Readers' Voice

Nguyen The Hung
Vice President and Secretary General,
Vietnam Concrete Association

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The Vietnam Concrete Association is a socio-professional organization that represents individuals and organizations working on concrete technology in Vietnam.

The VCA was established seventeen years ago to promote the development of Vietnam's concrete industry. Today, the VCA has 150 members that engage in a variety of activities, including international joint activities with developed countries, such as Japan. The VCA considers international cooperation to be the fastest and most effective way to exchange up-to-date information on the latest concrete technologies.

Since 2009, the VCA has held five joint seminars on concrete technology in collaboration with the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) and the Japan Concrete Institute (JCI). More than 1000 people attended these seminars, a good indication of how much Vietnamese engineers and researchers desire and trust Japanese concrete technology.

Our most recent joint seminar with the JSCE was held in September 2012 to introduce the latest concrete technologies, particularly the JSCE Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures. Approximately 200 people participated in this seminar, which was held at Hanoi Architecture University with the support of the Vietnam Federation of Civil Engineering Associations (VFCEA), the Ministry of Construction (MOC), the Ministry of Transportation (MOT) and the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO).

We are very impressed by the JSCE’s systematic development of the Standard Specifications. It has become a very good technical reference not only for engineers, who apply the Standard Specifications to actual construction projects, but also for those in charge of developing new concrete-related standards in Vietnam.

In response to the great interest shown in Southern Vietnam, the VCA and JSCE will jointly organize a second seminar in Ho Chi Minh City at the end of September.

Through concrete technology, we can build and strengthen the relationships between our people and organizations as well as our nations. The Vietnamese people clearly understand the commitment and willingness of the JSCE and Japanese experts to support developing countries such as Vietnam.

Vietnam is just beginning to develop the infrastructure that is needed to support economic development and enhance the lives of the people. We look forward to continued support and cooperation by Japan, the JSCE, and Japanese engineers, not only in the field on concrete technology, but also in general civil engineering.

Our members would be happy to periodically receive this newsletter containing the latest information about concrete technology in Japan and the activities of the JSCE Concrete Committee.

Joint seminars in 2012 and 2006

Joint seminar on Concrete Technology for Construction of Transportation
and Civil Infrastructure - Issues and Experiences of Japan and Vietnam

(Hanoi, September 25th & 26th, 2012)

Joint seminar 2012 information (Click here)

JSCE-VIFCEA Joint Seminar on Concrete Engineeringin Vietnam and Workshop
(Ho Chi Minh, December 8th, 2006)


Joint seminar 2006 information (Click here)

Papers presented (pdf files, free download)