New Year's Greeting for 2017

Prof. Koichi MAEKAWA

Chairperson, JSCE Concrete Committee

Department of Civil Engineering The University of Tokyo

This is the year of compilation for knowledge and experiences on concrete engineering in line with the revised Standard Specification of Concrete Structures 2018 version. Thus, all committee members are cordially requested to be further involved in intensive discussion and coordination for the code revision. Through this process, I expect the further promotion of rational and heuristic design & planning and construction, effective use of industrial additives with regard to the higher performance and reduction of environmental impact.

The concrete committee has invited valuable comments on the specification from relevant sectors, and we committee sincerely ask JSCE members of interest to assist these codification tasks though concrete committee members whom you may contact at any time.

As local optimization of each sectors or elements may sometimes result in detriment of the whole. Thus, I want to call for mutual linkage of sub-committeefs activity as well. In the last year of 2016, I again appreciate great works, efforts, enthusiasms and contribution granted to the concrete committee from JSCE members.

I really wish all of the readersf happiness and success of their professional careers.