The Highlight of JSCE Concrete Committee 2016

JSCE Concrete Committee
Newsletter 2016

JSCE Award 2016

JSCE gave JSCE Awards 2016 to researchers and projects who had brought a great accomplishment in concrete field or proposed outstanding achievements.
JSCE has presented awards to bridges with excellent design and construction. Here, only awarded concrete bridges are introduced. The abstract of Research Paper Award is also uploaded.
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JSCE has presented awards to researchers who have made great achievements in the concrete field, published excellent papers, or proposed outstanding research projects.
- Research Paper Award
- Incentive Award
- Yoshida Award for Research Accomplishment
- Yoshida Award for Research Paper
- Yoshida Award for Research Encouragement
- Tanaka Award for Research Paper

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JSCE Annual Conference 2016

Panel Discussion
Concrete engineering - toward improved productivity and quality

A panel discussion was held by the Concrete Committee as part of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2016 Annual Meeting at the Kawauchi-kita campus of Tohoku University on September 7th, 2016.

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A content example of "Japan's Concrete Technology"

New Challenges in the Evolution of Corrugated Steel Web Technology in Chapter 1 (Structure design) is fully introduced.
Some of book contents will be introduced in the newsletter. The book information is available to click here


Investigation Report on Kumamoto Earthquake

Two earthquakes struck the Kumamoto region of Japan in April 2016, one on the night of Thursday, April 14 and a second in the early hours of Saturday, April 16. The damage state of concrete structures in the earthquake is reported.

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Experiences and messages from foreign engineers who graduated from concrete-related Ph.D. courses in Japanese universities and obtained employment in Japan

Messages from foreign engineers who graduated from Japanese university, Dr. Sicat, Dr. Heng ,Dr. Luan and Dr. Zoulkanel
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Subcommittee Reports

Five subcommittees reported their activities on the newsletters.

Subcommittee 224
Safety securing system for concrete structures

Subcommittee 268
Introducing "Recommendations for Mix Design and Construction of Concrete based on Concrete Construction Performance [2016 version]" (Concrete Library 145) and the main activities of the revision committee

Subcommittee 342
Priority in Maintenance and Management of Deteriorated Concrete Structures

Subcommittee 346
The Structural Usage of Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Subcommittee 347
Fatigue Failure of RC Structure