WEBPAGEfor Conference on Hydraulic Engineering

Editorial Sub-committee, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering




Announcement for 54th Conference on Hydraulic Engineering

 Application WEB page for CD-Journal of Conference on Hydraulic Engineering /  Please apply it by 17th February, 2010

8,900YEN including postage


Notice) The publication fee (18,000YEN) includes one CD-Journal, so it will be sent to the author before the conference.



Program for 54th Conference on Hydraulic Engineering (February 9, 2010)



54th Conference on Hydraulic Engineering

1. Date: 3-5 March, 2010
2. Venue: Hokkaido UNIVERSITY, JAPAN
3. The Web site for submission will open on September 1, 2009.
Deadline for submission: 5pm 30th September, 2009
5. International Sessions: English presentations are very welcome to International Sessions in which all discussions will be spoken in English.
The Best Paper Award will go to the best presenter.


Notice1) Authors will not be asked if they are members or non-members of the JSCE. However, presenters must be the individual members. If this condition is not met, the manuscript will not be considered. Therefore, any presenter who intends to submit a paper has to be the individual member and to have own membership number by the end of August of the appropriate year. The submission has to be made by a presenter only through the committee website. To enter the submission page, the membership number is necessary. The same presenter cannot make any other submissions. Please contact iwanishi@jsce.or.jp if you have any questions.


Notice2) The publication fee is 18,000YEN per paper for this conference.  However, if the first author is not an individual member of JSCE, 10,000YEN will be added.


Masahiro Tanaka, Kajima Technical Research Institute
Telephone: +81 42 489 7147, Fax: +81 42 489 2896, E-mail: masahiro-tanaka@kajima.com


Committee on Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering


