Two Keynote speeches are scheduled together with technical sessions. The
Keynote speakers are as follows:
- Prof. Masahiko ISOBE, University of Tokyo
- "Impact of Global Warming on Coastal Structures and Adaptation Strategy"
- Dr. Christer Lund, Royal Norwegian Embassy
- "Energy from wind and ocean - markets and technologies"
The following sessions will be held as special organized sessions.
- THESEUS - Coastal risks in a changing climate
- Sea Level Rise
- Wave Overtopping Simulator
- Ocean energy
- Numerical simulation
- Coastal structure project
The 8th International Workshop on Coastal Disaster Prevention
-Restoration and Rehabilitation from Disasters Caused by Level-2 Tsunami-
will be held as a pre-conference event of CSt2011 on September 5, 13:00-17:30
Program (click here) |
September 5 |
Monday |
12:00-17:30 |
Registration |
13:00-17:30 |
Pre-conference event |
18:00-20:00 |
Icebreaker reception |
September 6 |
Tuesday |
09:20-09:50 |
Opening Ceremony |
09:55-10:55 |
Keynote speech |
10:55-11:15 |
Coffee Break |
11:15-12:30 |
Sessions A1, B1, C1, D1 |
12:30-13:45 |
Lunch |
13:45-15:25 |
Sessions A2, B2, C2, D2 |
15:25-15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45-17:25 |
Sessions A3, B3, C3, D3 |
September 7 |
Wednesday |
09:15-10:55 |
Sessions A4, B4, C4, D4 |
10:55-11:15 |
Coffee Break |
11:15-12:30 |
Sessions A5, B5, C5, D5 |
12:30-13:45 |
Lunch |
13:45-15:00 |
Sessions A6, B6, C6, D6 |
15:00-16:00 |
Poster Session / Coffee Break |
16:00-17:40 |
Sessions A7, B7, C7, D7 |
September 8 |
Thursday |
09:15-10:55 |
Sessions A8, B8, C8, D8 |
10:55-11:15 |
Coffee Break |
11:15-12:30 |
Sessions A9, B9, C9 |
12:30-13:45 |
Lunch |
13:45-15:25 |
Sessions A10, B10, C10 |
15:25-15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45-17:00 |
Sessions A11, B11, C11 |
17:10-17:30 |
Closing Ceremony |
19:00-21:20 |
Banquet |
September 9 |
Friday |
09:00-18:00 |
Technical Visit |
9-10 |
Saturday |
18:00 |
Post-conference Tour
(Optional) |
Session program (click here) |