
第3回インターナショナルサマーシンポジウム論文募 集(国際委員会)
Call for Abstracts to The Third International Summer Symposium

Organized by International Activities Committee (JSCE)
The International Symposium provides a platform for international students and engineers to present,discuss and exchange their research interest in English.The international students and engineers are strongly encouraged to participate in the Symposium.
(Note:International students and engineers include Japanese, overseas students and engineers who are interested in international activities.)

Date August 8th,2001
Venue No.1 Engineering Building,Department of Civil Engineering,The University of Tokyo (Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo)
Registration fee Participants will be charged 2,000-3,000 yen (to be determined)at the registration desk on the event day.Proceedings will be provided to the participants.Drinking & Uniting Party will also be provided free of charge for all participants.
Topics The topics cover 9 technical areas of civil engineering:Ⅰ)Structural Engineering,Ⅱ) Earthquake Engineering,Ⅲ)Hydraulic Engineering,Ⅳ)Geotechnical Engineering,Ⅴ) Materials,Ⅵ)Urban Planning and Transportation,Ⅶ)Environment,Ⅷ) Construction Management,Ⅸ)Others.
1)Abstracts should be typed in English and contain:
a)Technical area (Ⅰ-Ⅸ)
c)Full name of authors in the order of their first,middle,and last names.The name of the presenting author must be underlined.
d)Affiliation,address,telephone number,e-mail address,and fax number (in case e-mail address is not available)
e)Abstract (200 words)
2)Abstracts must be submitted by April 20th, 2001 to International Affairs Division,JSCE. (Mr.N.Kumagai,e-mail:kuma@jsce.or.jp,FAX: 03- 5379- 0125)
3)The abstracts will be reviewed by Inter- national Activities Committee and will be informed by e-mail or fax to the presenting authors in the beginning of May.Instructions for preparation of papers will be sent to the presenting authors.
4)Papers must be submitted by the middle of June to International Affairs Division,JSCE.

Details are subject to change.
