"Civil Engineering, JSCE" Vol.42, 2005

"Civil Engineering, JSCE, 2005, Vol.42" is a collection of the articles selected from the monthly magazine "Civil Engineering." Considering interesting topics and timely issues in civil engineering for our international readers, the editors selected the articles among those published in the magazine during the year.

JSCE Award

Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award 2004

  • Japan's first full tunneling construction of glasses-shaped twin tunnel without Advancing drift by drill and blast method in residential areas
    -Itsutsugaoka tunnel project on Route 475 named Tokai Ring Expressway -
    Toshichika HATTORI
  • Construction of Shika Nuclear Power Station
    - Focusing on "Harmonization with the Environment" -
    Hokuriku Electric Power Company

    December 2004 (Vol.89, No.12)

    Preliminary Report: Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake

  • Prliminary report on damage caused by the Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake on October 23, 2004
    Kazuo KONAGAI
  • Damage to Railway System - East Japan Railway Company -
    Tadayoshi ISHIBASHI
  • Preliminary Report on Damage from Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake in October 2004
    Hideki INAGAKI, Toshitaka KAMAI
  • Seismic Intensity of 6 in Nagaoka
    Kyuichi MARUYAMA

    Typhoons, Rain and High Tides

  • The Hokuriku Torrential Rain Disaster of July 2004
    Nobuyuki TAMAI
  • Damage Caused By Typhoons No.21 and No.23 in the Shikoku Region
    Hitoshi MURAKAMI
  • Report on Emergency Investigation of Shikoku Region Torrential Rains and High Tides in 2004
    Shuichi HASEGAWA
  • Investigation of Torrential Rain Disasters Caused by Typhoon Nos. 21 to 23 (Urgent Report)
    Tetsuro TSUJIMOTO, Kazuya INOUE
  • Torrential Rain Brought by Typhoon Nos. 22 and 23 in October 2004
    Yasuyuki SHINTANI
  • Perspective on Future Water Control Systems in View of the Niigata Rain Disaster on July 13, 2004
    Takashi OKUMA
  • What is Eco-material ?
    Kohmei HARADA

    September 2004 (Vol.89, No.9)

  • Project Report: Connect regions - Management technology helps local government become independent -
    Yoshikazu SHIMADA

    August 2004 (Vol.89, No.8)

  • Road Asset Management: Approaches of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
    Shoichi NAKATANI
  • Systematic and Efficient Reinstallations of Sewers Culverts in the Tokyo 23 Wards
    Masayuki MATSUURA
  • Present Situation of Road Installations of Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Road Asset Management
    Sentaro TAKAGI
  • Current Asset Management in Various Countries Accelerating Movements towards Effective Public Asset Management
    Masaki YOKOYAMA

    May 2004 (Vol.89, No.5)

  • Project Report : Reconstruction of Wooden Keep through Traditional Method
    Yasushi MAEKAWA

    April 2004 (Vol.89, No.4)

  • The Horizon of Civil Engineering Looking back at where we've been and forward to where we're going
    Susumu YOSHIHARA
  • The "Great Himiyume Bridge", Highway Entrance to Nagasaki -The world first extradosed bridge using corrugated steel plate webs-
    Shinichi HINO

    February 2004 (Vol.89, No.2)

  • Using Steel Arches to Construct Large Concrete Arch Bridges:Kashirajima Bridge on a Town Roadway, Hinase Kashirajima Route
    Tadaaki TANABE
  • Wakkanai North Seawall A Collaboration of HIRAO Toshio and TSUCHIYA Minoru
    Yoshihito HATAYAMA

    January 2004 (Vol.89, No.1)

  • Making use of Materials -Soilbag Structures
    Hajime MATSUOKA
  • Making use of Materials -A Bridge Made of Wood
    Tatsuo IRIE

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