JSCE Award 2012

The researchers who have brought a great accomplishment in concrete field, published excellent papers or proposed outstanding research project received JSCE awards 2012.

Lifetime Achievement Award

Research Excellence Award

Thesis Award

Incentive Award

Yoshida Award

Tanaka Award

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Subcommittee 219

Technology for demolition, reuse, and repair of concrete structures taking CO2 reduction into account

The Concrete Committee of JSCE organized the type two subcommittee gSubcommittee for survey research on technology for demolition, reuse, and repair of concrete structures taking CO2 reduction into accounth
(Subcommittee 219) in order to carry out this research task.

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Subcommittee 274

Publication of Second revision of JSCE Recommendations for Concrete Pumping - 2012

The Recommendations for Concrete Pumping – 2012 by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) were published in June 2012 as publication No. 135 of the Concrete Library series. These recommendations, the second revision of the publication, prescribe the pumps to be used for transporting concrete and methodologies for placing the concrete. This report provides an overview of the history of these recommendations and changes made to them up to the present, as well as the key points of this revision.

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Reader's Voice

Prof. P. Benson Shing
Department of Structural Engineering
University of California, San Diego
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The English versions of the latest JSCE Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures are available for free download.

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Conference Information
First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability ICCS13
(May 27-29, 2013, Tokyo, JAPAN)


(August 19-21, 2013, Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, JAPAN) Conference Organizer: Japan Concrete Institute (JCI)

 Free Downloads of past publications
in JSCE concrete committee


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Editor-in-Chief: Hikaru Nakamura

Associate Editors: Toshiro Kamada Yoshinobu Nobuta Phan Huu Duy Quoc Shingo Asamoto

Kohei Nagai Yoshinobu Oshima Ryosuke Takahashi Hiroshi Murata

Naoshi Ueda Koji Matsumoto Chie Nagao