JSCE Annual Conference |
The panel discussion on 'How can concrete technology contribute? - Review of certain issues arising in the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake -'
was held by the Concrete Committee during the Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2012 Annual Meeting at Nagoya University on September 7th, 2012.
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JSCE Award 2012 |
The researchers or projects who have brought a great accomplishment in concrete field or proposed outstanding achievements received JSCE awards 2012.
Tanaka Award
Innovative Technique Award |
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JSCE Joint Seminar
-Japan and Vietnum- |
The Concrete Committee of JSCE, Vietnam Concrete Association (VCA) and Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) have just jointly organized a seminar in Hanoi, Vietnam. Held on Sept. 25 and 26, 2012, the seminar aimed to introduce the JSCEfs concrete specifications and its experience in the field of concrete technology.
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Subcommittee 342 Priority in Maintenance and Management of Deteriorated Concrete Structures |
The subcommittee on priority in maintenance and management of deteriorated concrete structures (Subcommittee 342) chaired by Prof. Shinichi Miyazato of Kanazawa Institute of Technology was established in May 2010 and has discussed how to determine the priority in maintenance and management of deteriorated concrete structures.
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The English versions of the latest JSCE Standard Specifications for
Concrete Structures are available for free download.
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Conference Information |
International Conference on Concrete Sustainability ICCS13
(May 27-29, 2013, Tokyo, JAPAN)
(August 19-21, 2013, Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, JAPAN) Conference
Organizer: Japan Concrete Institute (JCI)
(September 11-13, 2013, Sapporo, JAPAN)