ご質問,ご不明点などは,東工大の藤井(tel & fax:03-5734-2590,e-mail:fujii@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp)までご一報下さい.
The 13th International Conference on Social Dilemmas (ICSD2009)
Kyoto, Japan, August 20-24, 2009
Call for Papers
The next International Social Dilemma Conference will be held in Kyoto, a traditional area of JAPAN and one of the most beautiful cities in the region.
Conference participants who wish to present a paper or a poster must submit an abstract by e-mail to the Conference Committee (icsd09@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp), no later than March 13, 2009. The abstract should be written in English (in MS word format only)
The abstract should consist of between 300 and 400 words and include the following headings:
・Author(s) Please mark corresponding author with * and indicate contact details for the authors including names, surnames, organization/company, phone/fax no., e-mail and full postal address.
・Oral or Poster If you have preference between oral and poster, please indicate your preference for presentation mode.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact, Satoshi Fujii (Tokyo Institute of Technolgy) using the conference email: icsd09@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp.
Information about the conference may be found at the website (see http://www.plan.cv.titech.ac.jp/fujiilab/icsd/). Check this site often, as we will be updating it periodically.