Publication Information
Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures 2012

Three parts of JSCE Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures 2013, "General Principles", "Materials and Construction" and "Design" were published in March 2013.

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Overview the 2012
The activities of JSCE Concrete committee in 2012 are looked back with the articles in the newsletters released in 2012.

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Subcommittee 272
Research of the Old Movable Weir in the Ohkouzu Diversion Channel

Subcommittee on Research of the Old Movable Weir in the Ohkouzu Diversion Channel chaired by Professor Kyuichi Maruyama was estabilished in January 2012. It scientifically examines the old movable weir in Niigata prefecture.

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Subcommittee 341
Examination and Inspection Systems for the Design of Concrete Mix Proportions Based on the Construction Performance of Fresh Concrete
The subcommittee on examination and inspection systems for the design of concrete mix proportions (Subcommittee 341) chaired by Dr. Chikanori Hashimoto of the University of Tokushima was established in November 2008. It consists of two working groups: Study on a workability examination system working group and Study on an examination and inspection testing method working group

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Reader's Voice
Voice from Vietnam having Joint seminars with the JSCE

Nguyen The Hung
Vice President and Secretary General, Vietnam Concrete Association

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Conference Information
First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability ICCS13
(May 27-29, 2013, Tokyo, JAPAN)


(August 19-21, 2013, Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, JAPAN) Conference Organizer: Japan Concrete Institute (JCI)

(September 11-13, 2013, Sapporo, JAPAN)

Free Downloads of past publications
in JSCE concrete committee

The JSCE Concrete Committee

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Editor-in-Chief: Hikaru Nakamura

Associate Editors: Toshiro Kamada Yoshinobu Nobuta Phan Huu Duy Quoc Shingo Asamoto

Kohei Nagai Yoshinobu Oshima Ryosuke Takahashi Hiroshi Murata

Naoshi Ueda Koji Matsumoto Chie Nagao