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Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award

2007年(平成18年度) Iグループ


Mikawa Bay Sea Blue Project ~ Development of Tidal Flat and Shallow Water Area Utilizing Dredged Sand ~


  • 国土交通省中部地方整備局三河港湾事務所,愛知県
  • Mikawa Port Office, Chubu Regional Ports and Harbors Improvement Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Aichi Prefectural Government
三河湾口部に位置する中山水道航路の整備により発生した620万m3の浚渫土砂を有効活用して、環境の悪化した三河湾の水質・底質の改善を目的とした干潟・浅場造成を実施した。本事業の特徴は、国と愛知県が連携し海運及び漁業者も含め海域利用者総意のもと、7年間という短期間で湾内39ヵ所、約620haの大規模造成を実現した。その原動力は、人工造成した干潟・浅場を造成当初からこれまでになく詳細で長期間のモニタリングを行い、漁業振興も含め三河湾の環境改善に寄与し自然再生事業として社会的にも認知されたことである。 A project on development of tidal flats and shallow water areas was executed to improve water and seabed qualities in Mikawa Bay utilizing the dredged sand of 6,200,000m3 produced from improvement of the Nakayama Channel line located at the mouth of Mikawa Bay. The point of this project is that the national government and local government of Aichi Prefecture worked together and achieved a largescale of land reclamation, approx.620ha and 39 places, in a short period of 7 years. This project has had the following outcomes: ・A detailed and long-term monitoring survey has been conducted to see the effects since the project started. ・It is verified that the project has contributed to environmental improvement. ・Its achievements have become widely known in the society.

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