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Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award



Half-Precast Construction Method of Railway Rigid-frame Viaduct

Half-Precast Construction Method of Railway Rigid-frame Viaduct

  • 服部 尚道(東急建設(株)),小西 哲司(川田建設(株)),王  肇明(川田建設(株)),黒岩 俊之(東急建設(株)),谷村 幸裕((財)鉄道総合技術研究所)
  • Hisamichi Hattori (Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd.),Tetsushi Konishi (Kawada Construction Co., Ltd.),Toshiaki Ou (Kawada Construction Co., Ltd.),Toshiyuki Kuroiwa (Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd.),Yukihiro Tanimura (Railway Technical Research Institute)
In densely-populated urban area, railway grade separation is effective to improve significant traffic congestion at level crossings. However, it takes considerable time to construct the elevated railway acquiring additional land for temporary detour of the existing railway.
To solve the problem, the half-precast method to securely enable the construction of rigid-frame viaduct right over the operating railways without falsework has been developed. Columns having quake-proof splices and camber-controlled precast beams and slabs from factories are integrated with cast-in-place concrete on site. This latest technology will contribute to improve the urban functions safely and effectively.

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