Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award
2013年(平成24年度) IIグループ
Preservation and Restoration of Tokyo Station Marunouchi Building
- 東日本旅客鉄道(株)
- East Japan Railway Company
概要 | Summary |
本工事は、首都東京の都心再生の機運が高まるなか、容積移転の委員会に「特例容積率適用地区制度」の創設以前から参画し制度実現の契機となるよう働きかけ、周辺地域と一体となった「まちづくり」という新たな発想のもと、丸の内駅舎上空の未利用容積を周辺建物に移転させることによって実現したものである。 また、全長335mにもおよぶ丸の内駅舎を免震化し、中央線高架橋への接触を防ぐ技術的な対策を行ったことや総武地下駅への主要動線である連絡階段の仮受けなど鉄道機能、駅機能を確保しながら工事を施工したものである。 完成した丸の内駅舎には連日多くのお客様が見学に訪れ活況を呈している。今回のプロジェクトは今後のまちづくりのモデルケースともなるもので、その社会的価値は大きい。 |
This construction has been made possible by the TDR method (Transferable Development Rights for the specified area) which is a method that we worked with the government to develop, in line with the rising sentiment toward revitalization of the Capital, Tokyo. This has also been made possible based on the concept of "newly remodeling the city" together with neighborhoods, and by utilizing the unused floor areas of the Marunouchi Station Building, in terms of floor space ratio, to the nearby buildings. During the construction, several technical measures were taken to continue to operate the everyday railway system and to minimize the effect on station functions. Also, the Marunouchi Building, which stretches over 335m, was seismically isolated. So this project can become a model case for other city remodeling projects in the future, and therefore we are convinced that it has a really high social value. |