【日 時】9月17日(木)14:40~15:40
【場 所】岡山プラザホテル(新館4F鶴鳴の間)
【司 会】橋本成仁(岡山大学准教授)
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ryobi Holdings Co., Ltd.
小嶋 光信 氏(Mitsunobu KOJIMA)
Missions of civil engineers and engineering -lessons learnt from works of Eichu TSUDA and past projects for revitalizing local public transport services
両備グループは,1910年に設立された西大寺鐵道をルーツとし,現在では,運輸・観光,情報サービス,生活関連,文化活動などの事業を展開する50社,年間売上高約1,300億円の企業グループに成長しています.両備グループの経営理念は「忠恕(真心からの思いやり)」であり,行動規範の「知行合一(良いと思うことは必ず実行する)」は,江戸時代前期に岡山藩郡代として活躍し,後楽園,閑谷学校,百間川,倉田・幸島・沖新田などの整備を通じて「土木巧者」として知られる津田永忠の顕彰事業から示唆を得たものです.永忠は自身の行動原理を「治世とは民の苦しみを救うことでござる」と書き残していますが,公共性の高い事業に携わる企業経営者として,この言葉に強い共感を覚えています.両備グループでは,和歌山電鐵,中国バス,井笠鉄道などの地方交通再建を手がけてきましたが,その根底には「交通機関を利用している地域住民という“民”を守りたい」という強い意志があります.土木工学は,英語でCivil Engineering(市民工学)と呼ばれ,文字通り「民を守る」ことを使命とする学問と技術です.2014年11月に創立100周年を迎えた土木学会が次なる100年を見据えるに当たり,改めて「民を守る」ことの意味を問い直したいと思います.
Ryobi Group, originated from Saidaiji Railway Company established in 1910, has grown into a company profiting more than 130 billion yen annually. The business area includes transportation, sightseeing, information technology, services related to livelihood and cultural activities. The management philosophy of Ryobi Group is based on the mottos “Chu-u-Jyo (Wholehearted Consideration)” and “Chi-ko go-itsu (to know is to practice)” honoring the spirit of a civil engineer Eichu TSUDA lived in the early Edo period. TSUDA is renowned for his works such as Korakuen, Shizutani School, Hyakken-gawa, and land reclamation projects of Kurata, Koujima and Okisinden. It is documented that he said “governing people is to help people” is his ethos. The lecturer, as a CEO of Ryobi Group, feels strong sympathy for TSUDA’s beleif as he himself engages in businesses with highly public nature such as the revitalization projects for Wakayama Electric Railway, Chugoku Bus and Ikasa Bus Company. A strong desire to help local people was one of the motivations of Ryobi Group to get involved in those projects. The desire obviously has a close affinity to the spirit of Doboku Kogaku as its English word “civil engineering” implies. Incidentally, JSCE has celebrated the 100th birthday last year. On this special occasion, the lecturer would like to share some thoughts with the audience on how we can better “help our people” by exercising the art and techniques of civil engineering putting coming 100 years in perspective.
Curriculum Vitae:
Born in Tokyo in 1945. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Keio University and joined Mitsui Bank (presently Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation) in 1968. Involved in credit lending to small and medium-sized businesses learned business management in detail there. Became the managing director of Ryobi Transport Co., Ltd. of Ryobi Group and successfully rebuilt the company in 1973. Became president of Ryobi Holdings Co., Ltd. in 2007 and has been at present post since 2011. Serves as the representative director and CEO of 48 companies within the Ryobi Group and as president of 19 other companies including Wakayama Electric Railway.